Middle Class
I'm in love with a girl with big earrings
Capped sleeve T-shirt, stone washed jeans
Any number of studs and piercings
And her language is just obscene
She spends all her money on ciggies
Her voice sounds like broken glass
She lives in a council ghetto
But at least she's not middle class
She watches the TV soap operas
Sings along to Radio 1
Dreams of holidays in Majorca
Gets all her news from the Sun
Her hair's the colour of cornflakes
She's got tattoes on her arse
A legion of ex-lovers
But at least she's not middle class
She exists on deep frozen pizzas
And waffles and chips for her tea
She's never got any money
But she can afford Sky TV
She's got plenty of children
The next one is always her last
But she makes me smile and I love her
'Cos at least she's not middle class
© Johnny Jet 2007