Sexy Sydney
His name is Sydney, Sydney Meats
And he is really quite off beat
The wierdest bloke you'll ever meet
Surprised he's let out on the streets
But his songs are very neat
His bizarre lyrics quite a treat
Surreal tales that are replete
With metaphors that you could eat
But dodgy plots prone to defeat
So full of holes and incomplete
He sometimes fills them in with Pete
But always touching, sometimes sweet
A member of the Folk elite
But recently dead on his feet
A shagged out corpse with fresh crow's feet
A new girlfriend who he mistreats
With a filthy laugh and filthy sheets
And tales of acrobatic feats
From which your mind just must retreat
No he can not claim to be discrete
His name is Sydney, Sydney Meats
And I think Sydney is on heat.
© Johnny Jet 2007